This film tells the story of Emily Jenkins (Renee Zellweger), a social worker who handles case No. 39, namely a daughter named Lillith Sullivan (Jodelle Ferland) who always falls asleep while attending school. Emily then took the initiative to meet the Sullivan family. Lillith's parents welcomed Emily in an unfriendly manner. Emily met Lillith at school. From the little girl, Emily tried to extract information about what had happened.
Lillith confessed to Emily that her parents hated her and even intended to send her to hell. Although there were no signs of physical abuse at Lillith, Emily urged her boss, Wayne (Adrian Lester) to develop an investigation and not quickly close the case.
When Lillith calls Emily, Emily rushes to Sullivan's residence and calls detective Mike Barron (Ian McShane). They arrived just in time when Lillith's parents were putting it in the oven and setting it on fire. Lillith's parents then entered the Mental Hospital. Lillith was temporarily cared for by the state, although she requested that she be allowed to stay with Emily. Although she had felt reluctant, Emily was touched by Lillith's suffering and took care of her permission to adopt Lillith until she got a new family.
Lillith then received post-traumatic care and was handled by Douglas J. Ames (Bradley Cooper). Diego Ramirez (Alexander Conti), one of the children in the same group with Lillith suddenly killed his parents sadistically. Mike was surprised because the murder occurred after Diego received a call from Emily's house. Lillith denied calling Diego, but after Emily had the chance to meet Diego, it turned out that Lillith was calling. Emily hasn't finished asking when Diego suddenly gets an attack and is killed.
Feeling an awkwardness in Lillith, Douglas then asks Lillith. In the question and answer session,n, Douglas felt the threat and terror that Lillith had spread. He then told Emily about it. Shortly after, Douglas was killed in his apartment. Emily began to suspect Lillith and meet Lillith's parents at the Mental Hospital.
Margaret (Kerry O'Malley), Lillith's mother continues to experience burning delusions so she can't be talked to. Emily managed to talk to Edward (Callum Keith Rennie) who told Emily that since Lillith was born, the people around them began to die unnaturally. Emily then tells Mike.
They also agreed to kill Emily Unfortunate, Lillith first killed Mike in the parking lot and made it look as if Mike had killed himself. Lillith is increasingly becoming. Even though Emily locked herself in the room, Lillith managed to break in. Emily then gave Lillith sleeping pills and burned the house. But Lillith was apparently not sleeping and managed to get out of the house. Emily is stuck with Lillith.
At the end of the film, Emily drove her car as fast as possible to fall into the sea. He then buried Lillith to death. Emily also managed to rise to the surface.
This film is quite tense. This type of horror film is not ridiculous. Although not as intense as Poltergeist and such, but Zellweger's acting is quite representative of the fear and terror that Emily experienced while being Lillith's foster mother.
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Case 39 movie full story
Reviewed by Sam Suga
February 24, 2019
This is very poorly written and doesn't explain the ending very well at all. It needs some good editing.