Full synopsis of The Exorcism of Emily Rose movie (2005)

Director: Scott Derrickson
Writer: Scott Derrickson, Paul Haris Boardman
Cast: Tom Wilkinson, Laura Linney, Campbell Scott, Jennifer Carpenter, Colm Feore, Kenneth Welsh
Release: September 9, 2005
Studio: Screen Gems,  Lakeshore Entertainment

Plot summary:

The film is based on a true story about the exorcism ritual performed by Rev. Moore on a young girl named Emily Rose which led to death. This pastor was charged with a criminal act, for his negligence, a young girl died. Erin is a defense lawyer appointed to free Pastor Moore. He found out more about the lives of Emily Rose and Reverend Moore to be able to shape his case.

He met Jason, Emily's girlfriend, who testified how Emily had experienced many strange things during her life. One day, he saw Emily running in heavy rain leading to a church. Inside he met two women who were praying, Emily saw their faces turn like demons. When Jason caught up with him, he saw Emily's body bent in the wrong direction and his eyes red. "Don't touch me," he said. Suddenly Emily fell and cried begging Jason not to leave.

Erin heard Jason's story and began to experience strange things. He feels scared. At night, he got up from his bed because he could not sleep. He walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights, but the lights didn't turn on and the wall clock in the kitchen seemed to stop. Suddenly the apartment door opened but there was no one there. With fear soon he was closed again and locked. Then there was the scene of Rev.

Moore sleeping, in prison. He woke up when he heard a voice counting from numbers 1-6. He approached the bars of his cell and saw the shadow. Reflexively he immediately prayed to be protected from evil forces, the shadow disappeared.

Erin arrived late in the court in the morning. This court discussed the logical and medical causes of the death of Emily, with Rev. Moore as the defendant who caused his death, Erin was the reader of his defense. Prosecutors say that Emily's death was purely due to the mistake of Rev. Moore who did not seek media help, not because of magical things.

Erin apologizes to Pastor Moore for being late, saying that darkness is trying to attack Erin and he must be careful. As his opening speech, Erin used the issue of "demon possession" as the cause of Emily's death and the "exorcism" carried out by Pastor Moore was a way to save him. And when Emily was killed in the process of exorcism, purely because of risk and not intentional.

Erin asked Jason to be made a witness. Jason recounted when he drove an agitated Emily back to the apartment. When he woke up, he saw Emily lying on the floor with her body bent back and her eyes wide open. He brought Emily home to her parents' house. Emily and Jason's father moved him to bed and called pastor Moore. Alice, Emily's sister, goes up to Emily's room to tell her that Pastor Moore has arrived. Alice screamed to see Emily clawing at the wall while eating cockroaches on the floor. Hearing that scream, his father and pastor Moore came to calm him down.

Suddenly Emily spoke in Latin. The devil said that he was the one who stayed in Emily's body and Pastor Moore would never be able to drive him away. The devil is not afraid of him, The prosecutor tried to find out whether Emily's father could distinguish people who were mentally ill with those possessed by demons and he survived if his son was possessed by demons, not crazy.

Erin called the doctor Adani as a witness. This doctor specializes in the investigation of magical powers and the unseen world that can master humans, like Emily. Doctor Adani said that the process of exorcizing the devil to Emily failed because the doctor gave him Gambrutol medicine so that Emily remained in possession.

Erin then learned that there was a doctor involved when Emily's exorcism was carried out, namely Doctor Cartwright. Reverend Moore reduced the doctor's involvement at the doctor's request until finally his involvement was found. Erin met with Doctor Cartwright to ask his opinion about the process of exorcising him. The doctor said clearly that there were indeed occult powers involved in the process. When Erin asked him to testify, doctor Cartwright said he was willing. He also handed over a top recorder that recorded footage of the exorcism to Erin, said it was sent by Pastor Moore to him. Rev.

Moore asked if Erin had experienced strange things in the past few days. Erin said that he accidentally found a gold pendant with his initials in the middle of the road, he considered it quite strange. Rev. Moore requested that he be allowed to sit on the witness stand, but Archbishop had told Erin that Pastor Moore should not testify about the exorcism he did before the court because it would bring disgrace to the church. That Erin must be able to free Pastor Moore from punishment, without having to allow him to testify in court. But after being persuaded, Erin finally agreed. As a witness, Pastor Moore told about his experiences and efforts to explore the ritual of exorcism.

He studied special prayers from books and ancient texts that discussed it. One day he woke up at 3 am because he smelled something burning but the atmosphere was very cold. When he walked into the church, he saw a mosaic in the church window like smoldering and dripping blood. Frightened, he ran out of the church and then saw a dark hooded figure standing behind the church window. Rev. Moore explained that the process of exorcizing Emily was recorded and Erin took him to the courtroom to be used as evidence. And the cassette was played in the courtroom.

When the ritual will begin, Pastor Moore says that everyone doesn't ask or hear anything Emily says during the process and let her work. Emily was then tied to the bed and pastor Moore read prayers for her. Emily, who began to be possessed, loosened her ties easily and slapped her father who was standing beside him. Rev. Moore forced the demon to tell his name but he refused. The devil was only busy counting from 1 to 6, then sent a cat to attack him. As soon as everyone's attention was drawn to Pastor Moore, Emily let go of the rope and jumped through the window, trying to escape. They all chase after Emily and catch her before she runs away. The process of exorcism then continued on the page. Rev. Moore managed to force the demon to say his name. He was the devil who possessed Cain, Emperor Nero in Rome, Judas Iscariot, Legion and also Lucifer. So there are a total of six demons in his body. That's why he always sounds like counting from 1-6. Because it is also a ritual for eviction of demons that is difficult to do because there are many devils who dwell in Emily's body and are very strong. These devils then made the stables in the stable attack Emily's father until the ritual was forced to stop. When Rev. Moore asked Emily's permission to resume the ritual the next day, Emily refused.

The prosecutor tried to refute the evidence of the tape by saying that Emily could have made words in various ancient languages ​​that she used in the tape. Because Emily also studied Latin, Hebrew, and even Aramaic. He managed to corner pastor Moore about the ritual. The next witness was doctor Cartwright, but it seems he did not come that day. The judge agreed to postpone the temporary trial and gave Erin time to look for doctor Cartwright.

He managed to find it and asked why he didn't come to testify in court. It seems that Doctor Cartwright changed his mind and canceled his intention to testify in court because of fear. Just when they were talking a car suddenly appeared and hit Doctor Cartwright from behind to die. Meanwhile, Erin received a strong rebuke from his superiors for allowing Rev. Moore to testify in court. News of Pastor Moore's testimony of the exorcism became a headline in the newspaper and angered the Archdiocese. His boss told Erin to quit and the case and if he ever made the pastor a witness again, he would be fired.

Erin meets pastor Moore in prison and says they have lost. Pastor Moore told him to stay and submit a letter to read. He said that all these bad things would not stop until the testimony of the exorcism of Emily was fully reported. Erin finally called pastor Moore again as a witness, and that angered his boss who was also present in the courtroom. His boss immediately left the place. That time, Pastor Moore read about Emily's letter, which Erin had read before. The letter contained the experience of Emily meeting Maria. Emily asks why the devil does not want to get out of her body, Maria offers that Emily wants to come with her and leaves her body that has been possessed, free from suffering. But he could also survive in his body and fight to drive out the demon. Emily chose to stay. In his letter, he wrote: "Many say that God is dead. But I want to make them aware that this is not true by showing the devil that is in me. God is still there and He will defeat that demon." Personally, Pastor Moore considers what happened to Emily is STIGMATA and consciously surrenders herself to prove the existence of God. He also found wounds on Emily's body like a wound on the body of Christ, on her hands and feet.

To show that the magical and magical world does exist. In the closing speech of his trial, Erin said his opinion about the existence of a higher entity than humans. Existence about angels and demons. Pastor Moore was actually helping Emily, not killing her because of negligence. In the end, the jury decided that Pastor Moore was FALSE. But the jury recommended that the execution of the sentence was only during the trial. And because the trial was over, the prison sentence was over and Rev.

Moore was free. After this incident, Erin was considered to have achieved great success. And his boss who had fired him came back to apologize and invited him to join again, but Erin refused. Rev. Moore was expelled from his parish and had to find another place, he chose to seclude himself. While Erin decided to stay out of her office and go home to rest, she was very tired.


Full synopsis of The Exorcism of Emily Rose movie (2005) Full synopsis of The Exorcism of Emily Rose movie (2005) Reviewed by Sam Suga on February 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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