Full Synopsis of The Guilty Film (2018)

The Guilty (Den Skyldige) is a Swedish 2018 film thriller directed by Gustav Moller. The film stars Jakob Cedergren, Omar Shargawi, Jessica Dinnage, Katinka Evers-Jahnsen, Johan Olsen.

Plot Summary:

A man named Asger who was a police officer who had been expelled from the blow because the reason was only gradually implied. Asger focused more on when he received a vague initial call from Iben (Jessica Dinnage), a young mother of 2 children who insinuated that she had been kidnapped by her unstable ex-husband named Michael (Johan Olsen).

His exclamation, made from the van where he drove to an unknown destination, triggered some quick detective work on his fingers from Asger, as he simultaneously tried to be able to determine the location of his move and retreat to the possibility of his abduction state, a trail that led to a bigger picture of terrible domestic unrest.

Discarding the rules that required him to convey information to field officers, Asger decided to continue handling the case frantically using his detection skills while hiding his efforts from the surrounding operators.

Movie Info:

Director: Gustav Moller
Producer: Lina Flint
Cast: Jakob Cedergren, Omar Shargawi, Jessica Dinnage, Katinka Evers-Jahnsen, Johan Olsen
Release: January 21, 2018
Duration: 85 min
Production: Nordisk Films / SPRING,  Nordisk Film Production


Full Synopsis of The Guilty Film (2018) Full Synopsis of The Guilty Film (2018) Reviewed by Sam Suga on February 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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