Full Synopsis of The Hole in the Ground Film (2019)


A mother named Sarah (Kerslake) and her 8-year-old son named Chris (Markey) were first seen from the corner of a high air field driving their damaged SUV through dense forests. They both talked about bullies at Chris's school and how Chris missed his absent father. It was implied that Sarah had recently ventured or divorced Chris's father and they had both moved to the rural part of Ireland in search of a new beginning.

One time, a distracted Sarah had to turn to avoid crashing into a crazy-looking figure in a hooded sweater that stood in the middle of the road. Noreen was a crazy old woman who by the locals called the Walkie Talkie because her habit wandered around to mutter to herself.

Noreen barely recognized Sarah's presence. As soon as he returned to their farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, Crhis continued to experience difficulties regarding food and explained the terrible fear of spiders. Sarah, who is patient, is clearly suffering from nerves.

One night, he woke up to find Chris not in his bed and he wandered into the woods to find Chris, finding along a large hole road. Chris surprised him by appearing suddenly on the later edge and they returned home. After that Sarah was sure that something about Chris had changed explaining her anxiety.

Movie Info:

Director: Lee Cronin
Producer: John Keville, Conor Barry
Cast: Seana Kerslake, Simone Kirby, James Cosmo, James Quinn Markey, Steve Wall
Release: March 1, 2019
Duration: 90 Min
Studio: Vertigo Releasing
Full Synopsis of The Hole in the Ground Film (2019) Full Synopsis of The Hole in the Ground Film (2019) Reviewed by Sam Suga on February 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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