Review Movie: Surga yang tak dirindukan (2015) - Shine Thanks To The Performance Of Laudya Cynthia Bella

Approaching the moment of widths, typically there is always religious film which is ready to provide spiritual spray on the audience. The year 2015, the film's production, titled Pictures MD Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan (SYTD) were given the opportunity to convey the Islamic values at the same time presents a spectacle of entertainment at the moment Eid al-Fitr holiday. Adapted from the novel a best seller of the same paper, the movie was filmed in Nadia Asthma Kuntz Agus (Republic of Twitter) is a sensitive issue raised concerning polygamy in Islam's glasses.

As well as works by MD Pictures earlier, this film was made with high production value. In terms of the cinematography, for example, notable cinematographer Ipung Rachmat entrenched Syaiful presenting beautiful images of each corner of the exotic city of Jogjakarta. 

Art direction is also made with creations, one of which is visible via a home interior design Pras and Arini. The A-listers involved any time, not just any Laudya Cynthia Bella name: Fedi Nuril, Raline Shah, and, one might say SYTD has plenty of ammunition to become successful films. It's just that, the creators have not been able to deliver something fresh on the film. SYTD is still spinning on the existing religious film the story of melancholy and divideth

Duration reaches 124 minutes also proved too long until the second half of the film feels boring. Fortunately, the shortfall can be covered by a charming performance of the players, especially Bella. This beautiful actress is able to animate his role as Arini, a wife who must thought when husband Pras (Fedi Nuril) should be polygamy to save the life of a woman. Bella's appearance is arguably the lifeblood of the film, he was able to make the audience (especially the womenfolk) touched to mention tears.

The interesting aspects of this film are also how polygamy is treated. Different from films about polygamy before, this film thus emphasized that polygamy is a heavy thing in Islam, and likened a haven that is not sorely missed by his wife. The addition of the fairy-tale analogy to tell the life story of Arini with polygamy faced make indeed SYTD exciting walking story of is not a perfect film, but still deliciously consumed because it has no Islamic content patronize at once to teach about the meaning of a family.
Review Movie: Surga yang tak dirindukan (2015) - Shine Thanks To The Performance Of Laudya Cynthia Bella Review Movie: Surga yang tak dirindukan (2015) - Shine Thanks To The Performance Of Laudya Cynthia Bella Reviewed by Sam Suga on February 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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